Quit Smoking Now.

Can you quit smoking now? I mean, right now? Were you conditioned into believing that smoking was socially attractive? Peer pressure in ones impressionable years can play a big part. The tobacco companies worked very hard to link smoking with people having fun, and being successful. One of the main reasons so many smokers fail to quit smoking, is because they believe they have a nicotine addiction, and only address this addiction. Another misconception many smokers have is that they feel they need will power to stop smoking, or forcing yourself to do what you don’t want to do. This works for maybe a few weeks or so, but as you continually receive life’s little knocks, you gradually slip back into your old engrained ways. Ever tried New Years resolutions? Nobody can force themselves to quit smoking, if they really don’t want to!

Why is it that?

Why is it that, when smokers are very busy, they forget to smoke! How come craving for a smoke seldom wakes a smoker up from a deep sleep, or when stressed, or bored, they seem to smoke much more? Smoking was a process you persevered with over a period of time, and therefore you can reverse the process, by learning how to recondition your thinking patterns-linking smoking instead to all the positive and detrimental effects of being a non-smoker/smoker. Think of all the goodies you can buy with the money you’ll save! How will you spend those extra years of life you’ll have?
The Benefits To You Of Stopping Smoking.
Within 11 days, most of the nicotine will be out of your body. Don’t smoke for nine months, and you’ll likely never have to smoke again. Your breathing will become easier.
Your sense of taste and smell will improve. Your lung efficiency starts to recover to a state similar to that of a non-smoker.
Concentration will improve. You will be better able to cope with physical applications.
Quit Smoking Now, and regardless of age, you’ll live longer than people who continue to smoke. Smokers who quit smoking before age 50 have half the risk of dying in the next 15 years compared with those who continue to smoke. Quitting smoking substantially decreases your risk of cancer, and other major diseases including coronary heart diseases, lung and cardiovascular disease.

Every year, millions of people die.

Every year millions of people die as a result of smoking . Smoking causes thirty percent of all cancer deaths, including 80% of lung cancer deaths, 15% of all heart disease deaths and at least 80% of deaths from bronchitis and emphysema. It is estimated that between 20 and 30 percent of all cancers in developed countries are tobacco related. From the results of studies conducted in Europe, Japan and North America, between 80 and 90 percent of lung cancer in men, and between 50 and 80 percent in woman, are attributable to smoking. Between 80 and 90 percent of throat cancer is believed to be related to smoking.
Smokers have three times the death rate in the middle age between 35 and 70, than non-smokers and about half of all smokers will eventually be killed by their habit.

Many of the people in these cases are not heavy smokers.

Many of the people in these cases are not heavy smokers, but have smoked for a long time. Half of the deaths from tobacco will take place in middle age (35 - 70) and each will lose approximately 20 years of non-smokers life expectancy: the remaining half of deaths will take place after the age of 70. However, there is clear and consistent evidence that stopping smoking before having cancer or some other serious disease avoids most of the later risk of death from tobacco, even if smoking stops in middle age.
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